Pan grilled chicory in a sauce of capers and Giant Mild Green Olives


Radicchio di Treviso (red chicory): 2 heads
Fresh parsley: 50 g
Giant Mild Green Olives: 70 g
Desalinated capers: 1 teaspoon
Shallot: 1
Olive oil: 125 ml
Shelled walnuts: 40 g



Toast the shelled walnuts in a non-stick pan with a small amount of oil for 5 minutes and set aside. Prepare the sauce: place the capers, parsley, olives and shallot into a food processor. Blend until everything is chopped up. Transfer to a bowl and add the olive oil, keeping 1 teaspoon aside.


Trim and wash the chicory, remove the hard outer leaves, cut in half and then into wedges. Brush the cut sections with the oil set aside and grill in a pan, turning once, for around 2 minutes each side.


Transfer the chicory to a plate and dress with the caper sauce. Scatter over the walnuts and serve hot.

Madama Oliva S.p.A. – Sede Legale: Via di S. Costanza n° 35 – 00198 Roma – C.F. e P.I 10702821009
C.C.I.A.A. Reg. Imprese Roma n° 10702821009 – R.E.A. n° 1250999 – R.E.A. AQ 122010 – Capitale sociale € 3.000.000 interamente versato
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