Roasted cauliflower on chickpea hummus with Spicy Crushed Green Olives and feta


Cauliflower: 1
Spicy Crushed Green Olives: 100 g
Feta: 150 g
Chickpea hummus: 4 heaped teaspoons
Aromatic herbs: to taste
Red chilli pepper flakes: to taste
Olive oil: 3 teaspoons
Salt: to taste
Pepper: to taste



Preheat the oven to 220°C. Trim the cauliflower by removing the outer green leaves, wash and cut it into slices at least 1.5-2 cm thick. You should have 4 slices in total. Arrange them on a baking tray lined with baking paper, season with oil, salt, pepper and chilli pepper. Roast for 25-30 minutes or until nice and golden.


When the cauliflower is cooked, divide the hummus between the serving plates by spreading it with the back of a teaspoon, add two slices of cauliflower per plate and dress, if desired, with a small amount of olive oil.


Combine the Spicy Crushed Green Olives, the aromatic herbs and the crumbled feta. Serve immediately.

Madama Oliva S.p.A. – Sede Legale: Via di S. Costanza n° 35 – 00198 Roma – C.F. e P.I 10702821009
C.C.I.A.A. Reg. Imprese Roma n° 10702821009 – R.E.A. n° 1250999 – R.E.A. AQ 122010 – Capitale sociale € 3.000.000 interamente versato
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